jQuery Show Popup on Page Load

3 Jul 2012

Create User Registration Form In Asp.Net

Creating User Registration Form Example In Asp.Net

In this post i am explaining how to create user registration or signup page in asp.net with sql server database using C# and VB.NET.

Creating user registration form in asp.net
For this first of all we need to create a table in sql server database to store user registration data.

I have created a table named Users for this example with columns shown in image below.

We can also Create Users with Membership Provider programmatically Or usingCreateUserWizard, You will also need a Login Page 

Place textboxes on the form for entering name,username,password,address,email etc.
Set Textmode property of password textbox to password to display * character instead of text entered. Associate RequiredFieldValidators with textboxes as shown in HTML source.
Place one Label and Button to save the data.


   1:  <table>
   2:  <tr>
   3:  <td>First Name:</td>
   4:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstName" runat="server">
   5:     </asp:TextBox>
   6:  </td>
   7:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvFirstName" 
   8:              runat="server" 
   9:              ControlToValidate="txtFirstName"
  10:              ErrorMessage="First Name can't be left blank" 
  11:              SetFocusOnError="True">*
  12:       </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  13:  </td>
  14:  </tr>
  15:  <tr>
  16:  <td>Last Name:</td>
  17:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtLastName" runat="server">
  18:      </asp:TextBox></td>
  19:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator 
  20:           ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" 
  21:           ControlToValidate="txtLastName"
  22:           ErrorMessage="Last Name can't be left blank" 
  23:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
  24:      </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  25:  </td></tr>
  27:  <tr><td>UserName:</td>
  28:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtUserName" runat="server">
  29:      </asp:TextBox>
  30:  </td>
  31:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator 
  32:           ID="rfvUserName" 
  33:           runat="server" 
  34:           ControlToValidate="txtUserName"
  35:           ErrorMessage="UserName can't be left blank" 
  36:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
  37:      </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  38:  </td></tr>
  40:  <tr><td>Password:</td>
  41:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtPwd" runat="server"
  42:                   TextMode="Password">
  43:      </asp:TextBox>
  44:  </td>
  45:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvPwd" 
  46:           runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtPwd"
  47:           ErrorMessage="Password can't be left blank" 
  48:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
  49:     </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  50:  </td></tr>
  52:  <tr><td>Confirm Password:</td>
  53:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtRePwd" runat="server"
  54:                   TextMode="Password">
  55:      </asp:TextBox>
  56:  </td>
  57:  <td><asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator1" 
  58:           runat="server" 
  59:           ControlToCompare="txtRePwd" 
  60:           ControlToValidate="txtPwd" 
  61:           Operator="Equal" 
  62:           ErrorMessage="Password and confirm password do not match" 
  63:           SetFocusOnError="True">
  64:      </asp:CompareValidator>
  65:  </td></tr>
  67:  <tr><td>Gender:</td>
  68:  <td><asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdoGender" 
  69:                           runat="server">
  70:           <asp:ListItem>Male</asp:ListItem>
  71:           <asp:ListItem>Female</asp:ListItem>
  72:      </asp:RadioButtonList>
  73:  </td>
  74:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator 
  75:           ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" 
  76:           runat="server" 
  77:           ControlToValidate="rdoGender"
  78:           ErrorMessage="Gender can't be left blank" 
  79:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
  80:       </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  81:  </td></tr>
  83:  <tr><td>Address:</td>
  84:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtAdress" runat="server" 
  85:                   TextMode="MultiLine">
  86:      </asp:TextBox>
  87:  </td>
  88:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvAddress" 
  89:           runat="server" 
  90:           ControlToValidate="txtAdress"
  91:           ErrorMessage="Address can't be left blank" 
  92:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
  93:      </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  94:  </td></tr>
  96:  <tr><td>Email ID:</td>
  97:  <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtEmailID" runat="server">
  98:      </asp:TextBox>
  99:  </td>
 100:  <td><asp:RequiredFieldValidator 
 101:           ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" 
 102:           runat="server" 
 103:           ControlToValidate="txtEmailID"
 104:           ErrorMessage="Email can't be left blank" 
 105:           SetFocusOnError="True">*
 106:      </asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
 107:  </td></tr>
 109:  <tr><td><asp:Label ID="lblMsg" runat="server">
 110:          </asp:Label>
 111:      </td>
 112:  <td><asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" 
 113:           runat="server" ShowMessageBox="True" 
 114:           ShowSummary="False"/>
 115:  </td></tr>
 117:  <tr><td><asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" 
 118:                      Text="Sign Up" 
 119:                      onclick="btnSave_Click"/>
 120:  </td></tr>
 121:  </table>

Write below mentioned code in click event of signup button.


01protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
02    {
03        //Create ConnectionString and Inser Statement
04        string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
05        string insertSql = "INSERT INTO Users (FirstName,LastName,UserName,Password,Email,Address,Gender)"
06        + " values (@FirstName,@LastName,@UserName,@Password,@Email,@Address,@Gender)";
07        //Create SQL connection
08        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
10        //Create SQL Command And Sql Parameters
12        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
13        cmd.Connection = con;
14        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
15        cmd.CommandText = insertSql;
17        SqlParameter firstName = new SqlParameter("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
18        firstName.Value = txtFirstName.Text.ToString();
19        cmd.Parameters.Add(firstName);
21        SqlParameter lastName = new SqlParameter("@LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
22        lastName.Value = txtLastName.Text.ToString();
23        cmd.Parameters.Add(lastName);
25        SqlParameter userName = new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
26        userName.Value = txtUserName.Text.ToString();
27        cmd.Parameters.Add(userName);
29        SqlParameter pwd = new SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
30        pwd.Value = txtPwd.Text.ToString();
31        cmd.Parameters.Add(pwd);
33        SqlParameter email = new SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
34        email.Value = txtEmailID.Text.ToString();
35        cmd.Parameters.Add(email);
37        SqlParameter address = new SqlParameter("@Address", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
38        address.Value = txtAdress.Text.ToString();
39        cmd.Parameters.Add(address);
41        SqlParameter gender = new SqlParameter("@Gender", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10);
42        gender.Value = rdoGender.SelectedItem.ToString();
43        cmd.Parameters.Add(gender);
46        try
47        {
48            con.Open();
49            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
50            lblMsg.Text = "User Registration successful";
51        }
52        catch (SqlException ex)
53        {
54            string errorMessage = "Error in registering user";
55            errorMessage += ex.Message;
56            throw new Exception(errorMessage);
58        }
59        finally
60        {
61            con.Close();
62        }
63    }
Build and run the code.

1 comment:

  1. hai...while debug this code i having the error...can u help me.
    rdoGender.SelectedItem.ToString(),txtEmailID.Text.ToString();lblMsg.Text = "User Registration successful";
